PROtotype Object Fabrication (PROOF) lab is a research laboratory and shared facility at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ

We help Stevens students, faculty, research and educational labs, and members of our community in realizing their systems designs and prototyping their inventions.

We accept 3D printing, CNC routing and custom composite materials projects that are related to course work and research at Stevens. Our users request jobs online and trained student interns produce them on the lab's 3D printing machinery.

To request jobs, please login with Stevens credentials and choose Lab Services -> My Projects menu option..

Graduate students in the lab focus on the design and realization of complex cyber-physical systems research, advancing science with an impact on materials, manufacturing, and aerospace domains. We use multi-fidelity and AI-supported simulations to optimize products and processes for performance, weight, or cost. A list of our recent publications can be accessed from the Publications page.